Friday, December 13, 2013

Bah Humbug

I keep getting stronger and doing my exercises...but it seems on injury leads to another.  Patellar tendonitis has been healed and given way to upper hamstring tendonopathy.  It seems the physical therapy has that nearly licked.  I ask about running again and here's what I get.....

Week 1
Walk 5min / jog 1min, build to 5 sets on alternating days(ex. 2x5min/1min, off, 3x5min/1min, off, etc.)
Week 2
If no pain, walk 5min / jog 5min, build to 5 sets on alternating days
Week 3
If no pain, advance to 20min jog, no more than 5 days per week
Week 4
If no pain, advance to 20min run at normal training pace, no more than 5 days per week
Weeks 5-8
If no pain, gradually increase running speed, volume, and acceleration as tolerated

BAH!!!!!  this is one tough comeback!!